Lifestyle, On my mind

The ‘Would You Rather’ Tag

I was tagged by the lovely Ellie over at in the Would You Rather tag so I thought I’d give it a go. If any of your answers would be different to mine, let me know in the comments!

My Answers

Would you rather live without the internet or live without heating and air conditioning?

Since I already live without air conditioning (for any international readers air con isn’t a normal thing to have in England!) I would go without heating as well. I’m already curled up under a blanket for a lot of the time I’m at home so I would just make it a thicker one to keep warm!

Would you rather travel South America or South East Asia for 6 months?

This is a tricky one as I love travelling but it can make me really anxious. I would say South East Asia though for the beaches and the food.

Would you rather eat a bowl of meal-worms for 10 million pounds, or 10 crickets for 1 million pounds?

Honestly I would rather go without the money, but I’m guessing I’m not allowed to say that! I’ll go for the crickets as it’s a smaller quantity.

Would you rather travel around Australia on foot for 3 months, not being able to take transport, or drive around the USA for 3 months, not being able to walk distances?

Australia has been at the top of my travel bucket list for so many years it’s an easy choice for me. Walking everywhere would be tough but I know I go a bit stir crazy driving anywhere without being able to stretch my legs so that would really annoy me. Think of the leg muscles I’d get too! Australia I will visit you one day…

Would you rather get rid of your TV or computer/laptop? (No watching TV on your computer either!)

I don’t really watch that much TV so I’d get rid of that. I often just have it on as background noise so I could listen to more music instead, whereas I do so much on my laptop I’d find it hard to live without.

Would you rather have free tickets to every sporting event you ever wanted or have free concert tickets for 3 years?

I’m not really massively into sports – the only sport I really enjoy watching is rugby – so I’d have free concert tickets and still occasionally pay to go and watch a rugby match.

Would you rather eat pizza every day for the rest of your life (you can change the toppings) or never have your favourite food ever again?

I would never have my favourite food ever again (though tbh I don’t have a consistent favourite to give up). Imagine how boring it would be eating pizza every day, even with different toppings!

Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again (you won’t feel tired)?

I absolutely love sleep and am not a big fan of work so I would definitely give up work! Think of all the time I could spend on my hobbies instead…

Would you rather be allergic to every food that you like or be unable to take a shower or bath properly for the rest of your life?

Allergies can be deadly so there is no way on earth I’d choose to have food allergies. I feel like there are more ways of getting around washing than not being able to eat any nice food!

Would you rather be a shark and eat people or a dolphin that people always wanted to touch and rub and swim with?

I don’t think people would taste very nice so I would choose to be the dolphin. I think dolphins are more sociable creatures as well so me and my dolphin mates could deal with the annoying humans together.

Would you Rather..._

My Questions

  1. Would you rather only read one book for the rest of your life or any book with the last chapter missing?
  2. Would you rather lose your phone, wallet and computer/laptop or all of the pictures you’ve taken in the last 5 years?
  3. Would you rather be convicted of a crime you didn’t commit or get away with something bad and live with the guilt?
  4. Would you rather live by the sea or in the mountains?
  5. Would you rather all of your Google search history to be made public to anyone who asks or never to use a search engine again?
  6. Would you rather travel forwards or backwards in time?
  7. Would you rather never stub your toe again or never get something in your eye again?
  8. Would you rather have free unlimited flights anywhere for a year or free hotel stays for 3 years?
  9. Would you rather never be too hot again or never get too cold?
  10. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?

I feel like I’m not up on who has/hasn’t been tagged in a post like this already so I’m just going to say if you want to answer my questions in a post, let me know and I’ll share your post on here and over on Twitter. Have lots of fun!

Until next time,

Claire x

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